Every file created is a work of creativity, be it a simple letter, article, drawing, picture, video, graphics, bill, transaction slip et al. In an organization, to maintain quality standards and responsibilities, each file goes through a process until final completion and approval. DCAT is a work flow management system for your project/organization documentation.
DCAT helps the management to locate any file or document along with its present status. DCAT is designed to be flexible and usable for any type of work profile, be it projects, billing, sales & marketing, HR or even your empire. Our software craftsmen can even customize the solution to suite your needs.
• DCAT allows you to configure your company filing structure.
º Category: Project/Company
º Sub Category: Section/Department
º Document Name
º Document/Drawing Code
º Proposed date of Creation
º Estimated date range of Internal Document Control
º Date range for Submitting to Client for comments
º Date range for Incorporating comments
º Date range for Issuing for approval
º Date of Final Approval.
• When a document/drawing is approved, it is visible to respective personnel in the final index.
• Exhaustive search and summary reports are generated.
• The document/drawing is uploaded as soon as its status is approved.
Track each file from Start to Approval-
View each drawing/picture in its own format through a well indexed structure-
Search and view final and approved documents-