Electronic Documentation Management System
The electronic documentation management system as the name implies is a System for Managing Documents. It will enable the client to manage thousands of files and retrieve them quickly when required. Document Manager provides flexible system to upload documents, query & view. It deals with two types of documents, related to Station and related to Pipeline.
All reports, whether, progress reports, test reports or specification and procedures are linked to the relevant reports. These are also available in a central document online database called ‘Documentation’. Each document is accompanied with unique meta tags that can make a specific search easier later. Some of the document heads are listed under this section.
- Pipe information (Manufacturing history, inspection documents, test certificates of pipes and plates).
- Pipe reconciliation statements
- Material acceptance ( Joint coating material manufacturers test certificates).
- Manufacturers test certificates and site qualification test reports like filler material, electrode, epoxy etc.
- Equipment data sheets and test certificates.
- Procedure reports. Approved procedures, job procedures, welding procedures specification and qualification, QAP’s and ITP’s for all pipeline activities including terminals, SV stations, IP stations etc. Scanning and digitization of gazette notifications from owner. All construction activity reports including crossings.
- Cadastral survey documents. Survey numbers, ownership area of affected of survey no. in ROU. Permanent feature along center of pipeline. Village maps, talukas, districts etc. Nearest police station with details, hospital, fire station, village panchayat, district authority details.
Land acquisitions details. The land owner details including permanent and alternative address. Mutation details, land usage details of the property owner including the crop details. The information on the compensation paid to the owner.
- Clearance and restoration acceptance from statutory authorities such as forest department, railways, PWD etc.
- Hydro testing and pre-commissioning documents/data including water filling, pressurization and hydro test reports, dewatering inspection reports, magnetic cleaning reports, EGP reports, drying inspection reports, inertisation, preservation inspection/commissioning reports.
- The EDMS module is searchable using metadata like category, sub category, type of document, vendor, material, remarks and document number.
Implementation methodology of EDMS
The EDMS module will have the following modules:
- Admin Management
- Folder Management
- Document Management
- Export, edit, replace and move.
Admin Module in EDMS
Here user can create pipeline sections, folders, categories etc.
Folder Management
In this menu, user can create folders/sub folders under a parent and category.
Document Management
In this menu, user can create folders/sub folders under a parent and category.
Search & Browse Documents
As the documents are being attached, they can be viewed on the web in a fully searchable format.
Export Documentation
User can export the documentation list to Ms Excel at any time.