Maintenance Module
This module for Pipeline Line Walker / maintenance Solution with Security Tracking System (STS) will enable the pipeline owners to manage/monitor their pipeline maintenance including schedule generation, reports superimposed on a GIS front end. Security Line walkers are those who walk along the pipeline for daily security checks. It is to cross check security personnel by having real-time information about their position, speed, stoppages, detours etc. The data should be available in the central database where users can see online status of Security Personnel on digital maps, along with diagnostic reports and receive band real-time alerts on mobile devices.
Objectives:- The main objectives of the system are as follows
- Report generation of line maintenance during a time period.
- Generation of weekly or monthly maintenance schedules.
- Report generation of activities pending.
- Representation of maintenance activities and findings along graphical pipeline corridor.
- Projecting pipeline route on Web GIS system with tracking and alerts of critical observations like washout, exposure, leakages etc.
- Ability to track Security Personnel from Starting Point to Destination Point in real time.
- Digital Maps to visually represent the geographical locations of the Security Personnel enabling it to be
- Ability to provide accurately network-wide location information of the entire Groups of Security Personnel.
- Unauthorized halt, deviation from predefined route to be highlighted through exception reports.
- System has to be viewed by users at different locations and also with different set of Security personnel (Grouping of Security Personnel by user).
Specifications:– Hardware- Hand Held Device Used
The Tracking device to be given to Security personnel is based on the following specifications.
- Satellite GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver for determining the Security Personnel location, traveling speed, direction and altitude.
- The device receives the GPS data and sends the data via GSM (Global System for Mobile) / to the PIMS Module /web application.
- If no wireless coverage is present, the GPS data is stored and sent to the web application on availability of the wireless network.
- The hardware a HANDHELD device can easily be carried by Security Personnel & fixed to their waist.
- The device has a 12 hours battery backup capability for continuous operations.
- The device has the GPS coordinate storing capability for Min 1 week.
Technical Specifications – Maintenance Solution
The system architecture is web technology based. The software application will be accessible through the Intranet from all Station and SV locations using the login facility through multiple levels of security. Access to the Each Station and SV location is be given for concerned areas only.
The basic features of the software are:
- Real Time Tracking– Provides real time information on Security Personnel status based on location, speed and time.
- Online Alerts- Provides critical alerts such as Walking Speed Stoppages Any Detour Taken. *Alert Message shall be given to the Security Personnel/Concern Security Guard. On their unit on any deviation set by location In charge..
- Trip Replay– Provides replay of the routes traveled by Security Personnel plotted on the map.
- Route of 12 Mtrs each side from the pipeline Centre Line can be projected on GIS digital Map.
- Option to Put Remarks at the end of the trip, which shall be reflected in Daily report.
- Reports– Provides reports by date, Security Personnel ID or By Name. Generate standard reports on criteria such as Security Personnel stoppages, Security Personnel speeding or trip summary.
- Communications- Maintains control of all Security Personnel with two way data communication.
- Security Personnel and Group Management- Update Security Personnel profiles, as well as manage their groups and types.
Route Mapping:-
The Team will walk along the pipeline and collects information with GPS coordinate of the following
- Corridor mapping 5 meters on either side of center line. GPS point shall be taken online mapping thru server and GPS Data shall be separately recorded into the record sheet given by CLIENT.
- Separate GPS coordinate shall also be taken for the following which comes along the pipeline
- TLP Points
- OFC Joint Pits
- KM marker
- River
- Roads(major)
- Minor Roads
- Canal
- Drains
- Railway line
- Foreign pipeline crossing And any other point as required by CLIENT.